SWCC Staff

Without our amazing staff, Southwest Cattle Clinic would not be possible. We are very thankful for our 2021 staff, but we are overjoyed to work with our 2022 staff! To make the process easier and less chaotic this year, we have a short Google Form for you to fill out. This will help Taylor, clinic director, keep everyone's names together. Below we have listed the requirements set in place to ensure success at our clinic. If you have any questions, please reach out to us!

@southwestcattleclinic | southwestcattleclinic@gmail.com | 870.397.2448


Share posts on our social media pages to help promote the clinic. You will be introduced on our social media pages as well.

At the clinic

You will be expected to arrive 1.5 to 2 hours prior to the clinic to help set up and understand what will be going on that day. If possible, please plan to arrive Friday during the day and help set up for the clinic. Hotel rooms and meals will be provided for staff the day before and day of.

Clinic Prep

You will be added to a group message of the other staff members for us to discuss things that pertain to the clinic. We will have one Zoom meeting prior to the clinic to answer any questions and go over the day in depth.