
Our clinic would not be possible without our amazing sponsors! Last year we were fortunate to have lots of people supporting us, and in turn we were able to make it a great day for the kids. Below we have listed sponsorship levels, how you can give, and what your sponsorship will be going toward. If you are interested in sponsoring the 2022 Southwest Cattle Clinic, please reach out to us! Sponsorships end October 20th.

@southwestcattleclinic | southwestcattleclinic@gmail.com | 870.397.2448


Sponsorship amounts between $0 to $150. Your name/business name will be on our sponsorship banner displayed at the clinic, and you will receive a thank you card from an exhibitor and SWCC staff.


Sponsorship amounts between $151 to $300. Your name/business name will be on our sponsorship banner displayed at the clinic, you will receive a thank you card from an exhibitor and SWCC staff, and we will feature you on our social media pages.


Sponsorship amounts exceeding $301. Your name/business name will be on our sponsorship banner displayed at the clinic, you will receive a thank you card from an exhibitor and SWCC staff, your name/your business name will be announced over the loudspeaker at the clinic, and we will feature you on our social media pages.

What are sponsorships used for?

Sponsorships are used to put on Southwest Cattle Clinic. With the sponsorship money, we buy materials needed for the day, pay a showmanship judge to evaluate our showmen after perfecting their skills, hotel rooms and meals for our staff, refreshments and snacks for the day, and many other things needed for our clinic to be a success. Aside from the showmanship judge, no one involved is receiving financial compensation. The Southwest Cattle Clinic staff can assure you that 100% of the funds received in the form of sponsorships go directly into our program to be spent on the kids.

How can I sponsor Southwest Cattle Clinic?

We can accept checks, cash, and debit/credit cards via the showman.app where sign ups are. Upon your transaction of sponsorship SWCC staff will email you a form to fill out. We will need your business name/name of sponsor, address, and contact information. Thank you so much for your support!